Sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India

Department of Biotechnology


About Central Institute of Agriculture Engineering

The Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering (CIAE), Bhopal (http://www.ciae.nic.in) was established on 15thFebruary 1976 with an aim to develop and popularize technologies for mechanization of Indian agriculture.

Initially institute was started with four department’s crop production engineering; post-harvest engineering, electro mechanical engineering; and farm power. Subsequently, Agro Industrial Extension, irrigation and drainage related activities were included. The activities of the institute were further strengthened by new All India Coordinated Research Projects (AICRPs) and their centers and Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVK).

To cater the mechanization needs effectively in southern India ICAR-CIAE established its outreach arm as an Industrial Extension Project at Coimbatore. Now, that project is converted into a full fledge ICAR-CIAE Regional Centre with its own building and administrative staff.

At present CIAE is nationally and internationally premier Agricultural Engineering R&D Institute in India devoted to develop and promote appropriate technologies for land development, farm mechanization, irrigation, processing of agro-produce, utilizing renewable, animal and mechanical power sources. The major objectives of the center are as follows:

  • Undertake basic, applied and adaptive research leading to a development, improvement of equipment, technology, process for crop production, irrigation and drainage, post-harvest technology and processing, and energy-use in agriculture and rural industries
  • Develop hardware and technology in cooperation with other ICAR Institutes in the area of crops, horticulture, aquaculture and animal husbandry for production and processing
  • Provide leadership and co-ordinate network of research with state agricultural universities for generating location-specific technologies
  • Provide input to ICAR on policy intervention with respect to agricultural mechanization, energy management in agriculture, irrigation and drainage and post harvest technology
  • Provide consultancy and undertake sponsored research from industry and other organization Act as a repository of information on agricultural engineering
  • Act as a Center for training in research methodologies and technology and conduct post graduate education programme leading to Master’s and Doctoral degrees in Agricultural Engineering
  • Collaborate with relevant national and international agencies in achieving the above objectives.