Sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India

Department of Biotechnology


Activity Topic - Demonstrations of climate resilient technologies

Activity Date 10/01/2019
Topic: Demonstrations of climate resilient technologies
Description: Demonstrations of climate resilient technologies (direct sowing of soybean crop by broad bed furrow technique with improved package of practices) were laid in the villages of Kheri, Gajikhedi, Naplakhedi, Sonda, Kothari, Bafapur, Amlaha, Bhilkhedi and Lasudiyakhas of Sehore district. The variety JS 20-69 was sown on 2nd and 9th July, 2019 under the broad bed and furrow crop establishment technique. The plots were monitored periodically and the yield parameters were observed on September 30th and October 1st 2019. The crop was in good condition as compared to farmers’ field who were taking JS 95-60 and JS 93-05 under conventional method. The average number of pods were more i.e 33 pods/plant in demonstration plots in the varieties JS 20-69 as against 12 pods/plant in the farmer's field. The region has witnessed unprecedented continuous and heavy rainfall (Fig 1 & 2) for the past three months and therefore, reason for this difference can be attributed to, the variety, as well as, the broad bed and furrow crop establishment technique. Apart from the lower number of pods in-situ germination (vivipary) was also observed in the plots of the farmers’, since both JS 95-60 and JS 93-05 are short and medium duration varieties, respectively. However, in the demonstration plots no such pods were observed on the days the monitoring was done. In the climate resilient technology minimum tillage practice is also being practiced and recommended, hence, there is no need for short duration varieties due to paucity of water for consequent crop. The farmers can follow the recommendation of sowing wheat immediately after harvesting, saving the 1st irrigation. Although, the respondents were initially skeptical about the demonstrations but, under the current scenario, they are extremely satisfied. Five farmers’ field school and interaction meeting were also held September 12th and 13th, 2019 with a total of one hundred and fifteen farmers. All the farmers’ were convinced about the benefits of the technology and are willing to adopt it in the next cropping season.
Crop: Soybean
Location: Amlaha, Sehore
Hub: Amlaha (Sehore)
Acivity By: IISR

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