Sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India

Department of Biotechnology


Activity Topic - Biotech Kisan hub Meeting at Amlaha with the Hub partners Institutions Manthan (Hub) and all the partners Scientist were present there to discus the activities.

Activity Date 04/10/2019
Topic: Biotech Kisan hub Meeting at Amlaha with the Hub partners Institutions Manthan (Hub) and all the partners Scientist were present there to discus the activities.
Description: Biotech Kisan hub Meeting at Amlaha with the Hub partners Institutions Manthan (Hub) and all the partners Scientist were present there to discus the activities.
Crop: Soybean
Location: Amlaha Sehore
Officials: Dr Rajat Saxena (CEO) Manthan Bhopal , Dr Nita Khandekar Principal Scientist (Agril. Extn.)Indore,Dr Dushyant Singh (Director)CIAE Bhopal,Dr Choudhry,Senior Scientist (Agronomy)Jabalpur.
Hub: Amlaha (Sehore)
Acivity By: Manthan

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